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Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.


InternetNZ submission on biometrics code of practice


May 31

InternetNZ submission on biometrics code of practice

In April 2024, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner released a draft code of practice on the use of biometrics in New Zealand. Read more on our submission

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Safer online services and media platforms — new discussion doc open for consultation


June 06

Safer online services and media platforms — new discussion doc open for consultation

Our laws and processes related to media regulation are over 30 years old and are not adequate for the online world we live in today. Find out more about what's happening to address that. 

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Independent electoral review consultation: InternetNZ submission


November 14

Independent electoral review consultation: InternetNZ submission

Our submission focuses on online voting and misinformation as the key Internet-related issues raised by the Independent Electoral Review.

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February 17

InternetNZ submission on NetSafe Code

InternetNZ's submission on Netsafe's draft Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms

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Have your say: digital identity for Aotearoa


November 25

Have your say: digital identity for Aotearoa

The Digital Identity Systems Trust Framework Bill proposes new rules to regulate and enable the use of digital identity systems in New Zealand. The Bill is being considered by Parliament and submissions are open until 2 December.

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Have your say: a digital strategy for Aotearoa


November 04

Have your say: a digital strategy for Aotearoa

The digital strategy is where the government will set its future direction and priorities for a digital New Zealand. Submissions were due 10 November 2021.

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