Policy development process
Version 3.2
1. About this policy
1.1 This policy sets out the principles and processes that InternetNZ must follow when creating or amending .nz policies.
2. Background
2.1 InternetNZ has the ultimate responsibility as designated manager within New Zealand for the .nz domain name space, and maintains a shared registry system (SRS) for the management of .nz domain name registrations. Through an Operating Agreement, InternetNZ has appointed DNCL to manage and administer the .nz domain name space on behalf of InternetNZ. InternetNZ retains the .nz policy making role.
2.2 The SRS is a single register ("Register") for registered domain names and associated data. InternetNZ operates the register.
2.3 Registration and management of .nz domain names, as well as management of information provided to the Registry ("Registry"), is effected by Registrars ("Registrars"). Registrars access and manage domain names on behalf of Registrants ("Registrants") and it is the Registrants to whom individual domain names are licensed.
2.4 The .nz domain name space is governed by .nz policies, which are available on the DNCL website. All participants in the .nz domain name space (including Registrants and Registrars) are bound by the .nz policies, of which this is one.
2.5 Key principles and responsibilities in the .nz domain name space are set out in the .nz Principles and Responsibilities policy. The operations and procedures that apply to the running of the .nz domain name space and which must be followed by all parties in the .nz domain name space are set out in the .nz Operations and Procedures policy.
3. Policy making
3.1 It is important that all .nz policies reflect the overall responsibilities InternetNZ has in managing the .nz domain name space and that they are consistent with InternetNZ's published policy principles.
3.2 The current versions of all .nz policies and their dates of adoption will always be available on the DNCL website.
4. Identification and prioritisation of policies
4.1 Any party is free to identify possible policy requirements and notify these to InternetNZ or DNCL.
4.2 Once a policy topic has been identified, InternetNZ will define and scope it, including considering the rationale for the policy (or amendment of an existing policy).
4.3 Policy development and amendment will be prioritised by InternetNZ, at its discretion, according to operational needs and the impact that the lack of any policy has on the parties involved in the .nz domain name space.
4.4 The InternetNZ Council is responsible for setting the overall long-term strategic direction for managing the .nz domain name space.
5. Consultation
5.1 After InternetNZ has prepared an initial draft policy (or proposed variations to an existing policy), InternetNZ will initiate a public consultation process.
5.2 InternetNZ will determine the appropriate scope and process for consultation having regard to the nature and circumstances of the policy or amendments being developed. Parties involved in the consultation process may include the appropriate Registrar Advisory Group, Government Departments and agencies, and other interested parties.
5.3 Any submissions received will be published on the DNCL website along with any consultation papers.
6. Approval process
6.1 Following consultation, approval to publish the final policy (or amendments to an existing policy) will be given by InternetNZ.
7. Interim Policy
7.1 Where circumstances require the urgent amendment of an existing policy to preserve the integrity of the Register (for example, security related issues), InternetNZ may develop and approve that amended policy on an interim basis without following the consultative and approval processes set out above. Any amended policy implemented in accordance with this provision will be identified as an interim policy.
7.2 Once an interim policy is implemented, InternetNZ will prioritise a review of that interim policy in accordance with this policy (including any consultation, if appropriate). Once a review of the interim policy in accordance with this policy has been carried out the policy will be finalised. Any interim policy still in effect after six months will be reviewed by the InternetNZ Council.
8. Publication
8.1 Where a policy is being actively consulted on, the consultation paper and submissions received will be made available on the DNCL website - www.dnc.org.nz.
8.2 Copies of all current .nz policies will be available on the policies section of the DNCL website at http://dnc.org.nz/policies.