Background and approach

This is the latest yearly survey conducted for InternetNZ to identify and understand the public’s use of the Internet, what they think about it, and any concerns they may have. It also measures awareness of InternetNZ and what New Zealanders perceive its role to be.


We surveyed 1,001 New Zealanders aged 18+ online.

Respondents were sourced from Verian's (formerly Kantar Public) online consumer panels.

New Zealand being weighed in scales

Weighting methods

A combination of pre-survey quotas and post survey weighting is used to ensure results are representative of all New Zealanders by age, gender, region, and ethnicity*.

Throughout the report we use the term "New Zealanders" to refer to the total survey sample - i.e. New Zealanders who are online. Note that as people completed the survey 'online' they are not representative of all New Zealanders' usage and views towards the Internet.

* Ethnicity is included from 2021.



Fieldwork was conducted from 15 - 22 November 2023.

plus and minus sign

Margin of error

The maximum margin of error on the total group n=1,001 is +3.1% at the 95% confidence interval.



Individual percentages do not always sum to the 'net' or 100% due to rounding.

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This survey has been conducted yearly since 2018. However, in 2018 we spoke to consumers, businesses, and consumers who also manage or own a business, whereas from 2019 we spoke to "consumers" in general (whether or not they also own a business).

Due to this change in sample definition the consumer only 2018 results included in this report should be treated with caution.

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