Maximise your .nz domain

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There are a number of factors that can affect your website’s performance, from the design to the hosting. Whatever your website is supposed to do, make sure you have the right look and technical support sorted so that users have a seamless experience from start to finish.

Brand authority

How well your brand is known in your industry. This could be as an expert on certain topics or products, for providing quality service or products compared to the competition⁠—or much more. It’s important to identify what your aim is and then you can work to improve it further. Content is an important part of this, as described above.

Digital authority

You might be surprised to know but each domain and website also has an authority score. There are plenty of tools out there to check it but the way to increase this score is wildly different than brand authority. It relies on other websites linking to you because you are a leader in the industry, whether that’s content, products or services. Rules on this have toughened in recent years and these links must be from reputable sources and have relevance to your audience, otherwise the search engines will lower your scoreor you might not show up on the search engines at all!

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