Internet policy
InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa does policy work to help government and others make decisions that support an Internet for good and an Internet for all.
We do this through think pieces, discussion papers, submissions, projects, and events that help people to understand and engage with Internet policy issues. Some of our policy work is in response to processes led by government or others, where we aim to help support good decisions informed by an understanding of the Internet. We also work proactively to support an Internet for Good and an Internet for All, and to foster broader awareness of and engagement on Internet policy issues.
Internet for all
An Internet for all is about building a more inclusive Internet.
Under this goal we work to support public and government understanding of digital inclusion, including conversations about what digital equity in New Zealand is and what it requires, and to support effective government investments to address digital inclusion needs.
Recent work:
Digital inclusion five point plan
Solving Digital Divides Together
Internet for good
An Internet for good is about a safe and beneficial Internet, working to understand what that means and what is needed to bring it about.
Under this goal we work to support a broad conversation on defining an Internet for Good, to support effective policy responses to the harms people face online, and to support the benefits of a free, open, and secure Internet to people in New Zealand.
Recent work:
InternetNZ submission on NetSafe Code
The Spinoff article on misinformation
The Spinoff article on security
Internet Openness: What it is and why it matters
Regulatory tools to address harms from content and conduct online
Funding public interest media in the Internet era
Scoping the media review - a discussion paper
Policy engagement
Across all of our work, we aim to help a broad range of people to understand Internet policy issues and share their perspectives.
We host and join events about Internet policy, such as workshops on contact tracing and the Internet and on policy options to address online harms in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attacks. We build collaborative working relationships with people across diverse communities, government agencies, and internationally.
Recent work:
InternetNZ submission on the Treaty Principles Bill (PDF)
InternetNZ submission on Ministry of Education Long-Term Insights Briefing (PDF)
The Limits of Internet Blocking: A technical and policy brief on filtering overseas gambling sites (PDF)
InternetNZ submission on Biometrics Code of Practice (PDF)
InternetNZ submission on Safer Online Services and Media Platforms (PDF)
InternetNZ submission on Safer Online Services and Media Platforms (Word)
InternetNZ briefing to incoming Ministers Internet Governance 2022 (PDF)
InternetNZ briefing to incoming Minister for Infrastructure 2023 (PDF)
InternetNZ briefing to incoming digital Ministers 2023 (PDF)