Get in touch

There are plenty of ways to get in touch with the team at InternetNZ, and we’ve listed them below.

We always aim to make sure your message is seen by the most appropriate person, but you can help by choosing the most relevant contact from the options listed.

Our Locations

Wellington office 
Level 13, 18 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand 

Mailing address
PO Box 11-881, Manners Street, Wellington 6142, New Zealand


Specific contacts

Phone number
Office: +64 4 555 0123

General inquiries

Account inquiries

Technical and general registrar support
Phone: +64 4 931 6970

More information about registry support.

Media inquiries
Phone: +64 27 366 8013


Find us on social media


Join the conversation on NetHub

NetHub is an online chat community where you can hear about some great Internet-related events, discuss Internet issues and discover the work some remarkable people are doing to make the Internet better in Aotearoa. It's on a messaging platform called Slack which is made up of channels for different topics for conversations. It's super easy. If you want to join, email, and we'll sort that out for you. 

Sign up for our newsletter or grant announcements

Our monthly newsletter, dotNews, gives you the latest info about our work, grants, and amazing things happening in the sector. Sign up here:

dotNews sign up 

If you are keen to hear about grant announcements only, sign up here: 

Grant announcements sign up

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