InternetNZ annual report 2023–2024

Who we are

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InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa is the home and guardian of .nz — providing the infrastructure, security, and support to keep .nz operating.


We are a member organisation — 384 members as of 31 March 2024.


We're a mission-driven organisation, and after running the organisation the money we receive from .nz domain names goes back into the community. We provide grants, help to fund other organisations, and advocate for an accessible and safe Internet that benefits everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Find out more

President’s report

joy liddicoat

InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa ended the 2023–2024 year in a strong position. We adopted and started implementing a new three-year strategy for our core product, .nz domain names, with a strong focus on business development. The team is aiming to be a thriving world-class ccTLD, that is resilient and sustainable. I’m looking forward to seeing what a carbon-neutral future for .nz looks like. 

Chief Executive’s report

vivien maidaborn

Kei aku rangatira, tēnā tātou katoa

Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua

— Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead.


I felt this a fitting whakataukī to begin our review of what I consider to be a great last financial year for InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa, and I'm happy to be able to share it with you all now.

Managing the .nz domain name space

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Rei kura: .nz for all of Aotearoa

.nz is New Zealand online

Our .nz infrastructure and Domain Name System underpins Aotearoa New Zealand’s economy and wellbeing. .nz connects Aotearoa New Zealand to the world, and connects us to each other. The .nz domain name service and .nz infrastructure remains a trusted and reliable country code top-level domain (ccTLD).

drawing of in a search bar


drawing of .nz in a search bar

157,397 .nz

drawing of in a search bar


drawing of in a search bar


drawing of in a search bar

12,254 other second-level domains

Delivering public good

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Rei kura: a Te Tiriti o Waitangi centric organisation

As an organisation of this land and the guardian of .nz on behalf of Aotearoa New Zealand, Te Tiriti o Waitangi needs to be central to how we operate.


We are working towards being recognised as a Te Tiriti o Waitangi centric organisation, through relationships and working in partnership with Māori, and growing our own cultural capability as an organisation.

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Rei kura: an Internet that benefits

We work towards an Internet that benefits all the people of Aotearoa New Zealand. We want all New Zealanders to use, create, and innovate on the Internet in a way that keeps themselves and others safe. We contribute to shaping developments about the Internet, both domestically and internationally, to make the Internet better for all peoples.

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Use of the Internet

More than a quarter of New Zealanders (27%) spend five hours or more per day on the Internet for personal use.

a bubble with exclamation marks
A diversity of concerns

37% of New Zealanders think the Internet has a positive impact on our cultural beliefs and values. But 28% think it has a negative effect.

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Concerns around AI

42% of New Zealanders who know at least a little bit about AI, are more concerned than excited.

Three people on a beach at sunset

Rei kura: an Internet for everyone

We believe that everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand should be able to make the most of an increasingly digital world, in a way that works for them. We work to enable all the people of Aotearoa New Zealand to access and effectively use the Internet so they can equitably participate in and benefit from our society, democracy, and economy.

InternetNZ in 2023-2024


We are modernising our Constitution

In 2022–2023 the Council endorsed a plan to co-design InternetNZ’s Constitution:


New legislation under the Charities Amendment Act 2023 requires a review of our Constitution in order to remain compliant and maintain our incorporated society status. Alongside this, the systemic racism review report recommended that we take this review opportunity to engage with Māori and undertake a co-design process.

In doing so, we are modernising our 30-year-old Constitution to update InternetNZ’s purpose and governance structures.

Our approach to work is called Together Working Better. This includes the ability to work flexibly and remotely. One way we support staff connections is through hosting regular get-togethers as a Group, like mid-year in-person planning, an end-of-year celebration in December, and a staff wānanga in February.

The way we all work has changed greatly over the last few years. In 2023–24, we introduced the Agile methodology across the organisation. By making our work more visible, we can easily prioritise our annual and quarterly goals and understand key dependencies to successfully deliver them.

Our people are key to our work being effectively delivered. To support our people, we provide a range of benefits, such as paying for a home Internet connection, health and wellbeing insurance, a volunteer day, and flexible working arrangements.

Financial statement

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