InternetNZ plays host to APNIC 58

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InternetNZ was delighted to host APNIC 58 recently, in a typically windswept Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington. The driving northerly wind and rain outside did little to deter the attendees, who had flown in from all over the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Photo credit: APNIC.

A woman standing at a lectern speaking with her speech captioned on a screen behind her.

CAPTION Vivien Maidaborn addresses the audience at the Opening Ceremony for APNIC 58 in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington. Photo credit: APNIC.

Internet NZ staff stand in a line at APNIC 58

CAPTION InternetNZ staff attending the Registrar Summit at Tākina in Wellington.

A group of people watching a conference panel take place

CAPTION Principal Advisor, Māori Sector Relationships and Partnerships Whitiaua Ropitini (far left on stage) moderated a talk on disaster resilience in the Pacific. Photo Credit: APNIC

A woman with a microphone speaking at a conference table, with other people sitting beside her.

CAPTION Systems Administrator Pooja Narang presents on DNSSEC at APNIC 58

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