New grants announcement 2020/21 - digital inclusion initiatives and research
Ciara Arnot Community Advisor •
We’re thrilled to announce our latest grantees.
This grant round continued with a focus on digital inclusion, meaning we prioritised initiatives that would contribute to more New Zealanders being able to participate in and benefit from the Internet. Approximately $275,000 was given out, with eligible initiatives expected to address digital inclusion through motivation, access, skills or trust.
Priority was given to initiatives which demonstrated either a strong evaluation capability, or the willingness to work towards building this capability.
Many of our community initiatives are working with our Evaluation experts, to continue developing a practical approach to evaluation that meets the needs of evidence-based policy makers and funders which we have been developing.
Haututu Laboratories (Tutu Labs)
Digital Natives Academy, $34,200
Series of skills courses in animation, game design, esports and wellbeing (with a focus on skill acquisition, team oriented thinking, sportsmanship and high performance mindsets) for 300 students in the Rotorua region.
Moana Research, $36,137
Intergenerational research approach to improving digital inclusion of Niue elderly and families participants in Auckland, who gained access and skills required to interact online during COVID-19.
Bridging the Digital Divide in Wellington East
Te Ora Hou Wellington East, $20,000
Broadening the use of Skinny Jump and skill programmes to 50 families in the Wellington East area.
Increasing Internet Access for Cochlear Implant Recipients
Dr Holly Teagle, University of Auckland, $25,000
Develop a service, in both one-on-one and workshop formats, for clients to grow their knowledge of and access to materials and functions of the internet in conjunction with personal hearing technologies.
Low vision library digitisation and Alexa rollout
Blind Low Vision NZ, $42,798
Set up and training for 400 Alexa Echo Dot smart speakers in the homes of Blind Low Vision NZ (BLVNZ) clients.
ConnectED Linwood
Greater Christchurch Schools Network, $26,240
Whānau engagement support for home internet access in the Linwood, Christchurch area.
NZ Society of Authors - Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa, $14,000
Professional development web workshops for writers throughout New Zealand.
Initial NZ 1000
Access Advisors, $10,000
Research on the accessibility of 1,000 of the most visited New Zealand owned website home pages.
Digital Inclusion for Maori and Non-Maori Seniors
Dr Kathryn Peri, University of Auckland, $26,540
Building digital capabilities for seniors with cognitive impairment and develop a 'digital mentor' train the trainer manual to pilot in Rotorua Library.
Digital skill needs of displaced workers
Dr Lesley Gardner, University of Auckland, $20,000
Evaluation of displaced workforce participants and their evaluation of digital tools/training made available to them.
Surviving the ‘new normal’
Dr Caroline Keen, Keen Initiatives, $20,000
Research to examine digital experiences and capacities, and perceptions about the relevance of digital technology to women over 50, and specifically their future employment.
Each year InternetNZ gives out community grants to provide support for community-led initiatives that extend the availability, use, and benefit of the Internet and its associated technologies and applications in Aotearoa.