Document library

Discover more about InternetNZ and the way we’re run by looking through our document archive.

InternetNZ financial summary Q3 2020-21 Adobe Acrobat PDF file 327 KB

Jeremy Greenbrook-Held mid term report Adobe Acrobat PDF file 46 KB

Digital saturation: Geographic and socioeconomic determinants of Internet Access in New Zealand

The information ecosystem, “online harms” and our recommendations for the media review Adobe Acrobat PDF file 101 KB

Regulating the domain name system: approaches to ccTLD policies internationally Adobe Acrobat PDF file 375 KB

This paper is a contribution to InternetNZ’s .nz Policy Review. Its primary audience is the .nz Advisory Panel, but we are also releasing this research publicly so everyone can benefit from it. The paper looks at how six other ccTLD operators are tackling

Dr Wanqing Tu mid term report Adobe Acrobat PDF file 49 KB

UAV-aided Wireless Mesh Networking for Remote NZ Communities

InternetNZ Council meeting pack 4 December 2020 Adobe Acrobat PDF file 1.9 MB

Meeting agenda and papers

InternetNZ Council meeting minutes 4 December 2020 Adobe Acrobat PDF file 66 KB

To be ratified

Dr Caroline Keen mid term report Adobe Acrobat PDF file 57 KB

An investigation of family digital cultures and their impact on digital inclusion

Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa mid term report Adobe Acrobat PDF file 47 KB

Digital Wellbeing for All: Keeping Our Kids Safe Online

Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa mid term report Adobe Acrobat PDF file 47 KB

Appy Seniors: Putting Your Smartphone to Work