Understanding .nz's place in the world
Anonymous •
December was busy for the .nz Advisory Panel as we finalised our .nz Policy Issues Report.
Our review of the .nz policies will have an impact on participants in the .nz domain name space. Yet .nz is just one corner of a huge ecosystem. We also wanted to look outwards, to connect with our international counterparts, to share and gain knowledge, ideas and inspiration to improve the space.
To find how other regimes had answered questions like who should be able to use a domain name and how, the Panel met representatives from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. The Panel is also conducting a global scan of country code top level domains to enhance its knowledge on issues faced by other registries and to explore innovative solutions.
Next month, we will publish our Issues Report - a major milestone of this policy review. The report identifies issues the Panel has found in the current principles and policies. Post launch, we will consult with you on options to mitigate the issues raised, before we finalise our recommendations to InternetNZ. We will also be keen to hear if you think we have missed any issues.
Ngā mihi o te tau hou - happy new year. I encourage you to look out for my next blog, launching the report.