News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.



December 10


November 12

Detecting resolvers at .nz

This is a follow-up post to summarise the work of resolver detection presented at DNS-OARC 29. We built a classifier that can tell, with certain probability, if a source address observed at .nz represents a DNS resolver or not.

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November 09


October 08

DNS Flag day

There are times when decisive action is the straightest path to success. Starting from 1 February 2019, the organisations behind open source DNS software implementations are going to deploy changes to their code that could break your domains.

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August 15


July 29

Domain popularity across countries

As the DNS operator of .nz, we manage 4 of the 7 .nz nameservers ourselves and we've been collecting their DNS traffic.

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June 08

Source Address Classification - Clustering

My previous post "Source Address Classification - Feature Engineering" introduced the background of the source address classification problem and a critical part of the work - generating the features to be fed into a machine learning model. 

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May 28

Analysis of registrations from registrant point of view

This is a follow-up post on registrant classification. Before reading this post, check out Registrant Classification using Machine Learning (19 Feb 2018).

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May 15

.nz is joining fellow domain industry leaders at GDD Industry Summit

I’m currently attending the ICANN organisation’s Global Domains Divison (GDD) Industry Summit being held in Vancouver, Canada.

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March 21

Source Address Classification - Feature Engineering

As we operate the authoritative name servers for the .nz ccTLD, we observe more than 500k unique source addresses sending DNS queries to us every day.

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