News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.

Latest updates

Media release

September 24


September 24

COVID & the Internet - where to next?

This is the start of a short series of blog posts where I’ll share with you some of my thoughts about what our life could look like in light of what we are learning from COVID-19.

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September 22

Your guide to the broadband map

The broadband map continues to be the most comprehensive consolidated data set of broadband technology data we have at InternetNZ.

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September 17

6 tips to boost your website performance

Once you’ve got a website up and running, you might think that you can let it be and focus on other tasks, but that would be akin to setting up your store and only opening the door half way.

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September 15

NetHui 2020—online, different and awesome

This year’s NetHui will be a bit different from the usual experience. That’s because we will be doing it online, and that’ll mean some changes to how we do things this year.

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Media release

September 15

Media release

September 14


September 10

The new government digital inclusion action plan—has it done enough for a MallowPuff?

Government has recently done a quiet release of its Digital Inclusion Action Plan for 2020-2021. I took a look to see how it measures up.

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September 03

Linking your domain name and email address

Once you have a domain name, there are plenty of things you can do next to cement your brand and offer a great experience to your audience.

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September 01

Community bytes vol. 1

We support a wide range of projects and organisations who share the same goals and vision we do at InternetNZ.

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