News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.



May 25

Research – the University of Auckland and digital inclusion

Christmas Eve 2020 saw the Community Team calling successful grant applicants with good news. This included 3 researchers at the University of Auckland who, spanning the Schools of Information Systems, Nursing and Population Health, are all now busy working to contribute to digital inclusion research in very different ways.

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May 18


May 05


May 03


April 13

Research: safeguarding children’s data privacy and connecting communities through technology

Some highlights from published research that InternetNZ has funded.

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March 24

Community funding for digital inclusion in Christchurch

ConnectED was a pilot project run by Greater Christchurch Schools Network, which provided Internet connections to school children and their whānau in Eastern Christchurch, improving digital inclusion and learning outcomes.

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March 16

A filtered Internet is not the Internet we need

What is the Internet we need, and how do we help to build it? For InternetNZ that’s always been a central question, and these days it is one that matters for everyone.

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March 16

International law online: progress in UN yet many questions remain

In a world where cyber attacks between states, and other Internet related disputes between countries, are growing, issues of international law and the Internet grow more complex by the day. 

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March 08

Raising the digital capital of women over 50

In celebration of International Women's Day we want to highlight a grantee currently working on research that benefits kiwi women.

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March 03

COVID-19 changing the way we see the Internet

Research released this week shows some interesting stats about how the Internet is helping us carry on — but it also highlights some alarming concerns.

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