News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.


A traversal view of the .nz space: activity and popularity


October 13

A traversal view of the .nz space: activity and popularity

Our systems handle over 60 billion DNS queries per month for .nz domains. That’s a lot of data. So how many .nz domains are active and which ones are the most popular?

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Accessibility of the top 1,000 NZ home pages


October 12

Accessibility of the top 1,000 NZ home pages

In 2020, Access Advisors set out to audit the top 1,000 websites in Aotearoa for interface accessibility. The results provide an important call to action for anyone with a website to improve and a baseline to gauge improvements in web accessibility over time.

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SeniorNet — SeniorHangouts and evaluation


September 28

SeniorNet — SeniorHangouts and evaluation

The lockdowns of 2020 highlighted the importance of using technology to address issues of social isolation and to enable key functions such as contact tracing, banking, education and health management. It threw up some new challenges for SeniorNet.

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A traversal view of the .nz space: security


September 20

A traversal view of the .nz space: security

At InternetNZ, we are passionate about the .nz domains, and we are always looking for new things to learn about it. In this series of blog posts, we’d like to show the difference between namespaces under .nz.

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People need devices — amazing initiatives and how you can help


September 17

People need devices — amazing initiatives and how you can help

A number of groups are working hard to provide devices to those in need here in Aotearoa New Zealand. Here's how you can help. 

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September 14

Supporting communities affected by dangerous speech

Our on-demand grant funding is to support communities affected by dangerous speech online. If you know someone you think should apply, please encourage them to get in touch with us for a chat.

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Support the #TeamOf5Million online by stopping disinformation in its tracks


September 14

Support the #TeamOf5Million online by stopping disinformation in its tracks

InternetNZ is calling on New Zealanders to support the #teamof5million and do your part to stop the spread and amplification of disinformation online.

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August 20

Council report back - August 2021 meeting

The first meeting of the InternetNZ Council following the 2021 AGM was held in Wellington on Friday 13 August 2021. We agreed to communicate our discussion and a number of key matters arising from the meeting.

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August 18

Mahi Aroha Awards

This year we were proud sponsors of the Mahi Aroha awards that celebrate outstanding volunteers making a positive impact in the community. 

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August 04

Thoughts from our new President

At our 2021 Annual General Meeting, held on Thursday 29 July, InternetNZ members elected four new positions including a new President and Vice President. Joy Liddicoat was voted in as our new President and shares her thoughts on the role. 

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