News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.

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World Internet Project New Zealand


February 09

World Internet Project New Zealand

The World Internet Project is a longitudinal survey that looks into usage and attitudes towards the Internet. 

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Looking back at community funding


December 21

Looking back at community funding

Since 2019 the majority of our grant funding has been aligned with our digital inclusion goals. We have put over $1.4 million towards a variety of initiatives that seek to bridge the digital divide. 

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The other pandemic — how can Aotearoa protect itself against misinformation?


December 20

The other pandemic — how can Aotearoa protect itself against misinformation?

While Aotearoa and the world continue to battle COVID-19, there is another pandemic that has spread globally and has now taken root in New Zealand. It's called the ‘infodemic.’

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December 14

Research on UAV-aided Wireless Mesh Networking for Remote NZ Communities complete

In 2019, we funded research being completed by Dr Wanqing Tu. The research has been published through the 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference. 


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December 10

International human rights day - all human, all equal

So what's happening in the digital space that advances human rights and addresses inequalities?

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Better consultation needed for new Online Safety Code

Media release

December 01

Better consultation needed for new Online Safety Code

Organisations working to improve online safety in New Zealand say lack of community engagement on a new Code of Practice being developed for social media platforms may fail the people it intends to help.

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Have your say: digital identity for Aotearoa


November 25

Have your say: digital identity for Aotearoa

The Digital Identity Systems Trust Framework Bill proposes new rules to regulate and enable the use of digital identity systems in New Zealand. The Bill is being considered by Parliament and submissions are open until 2 December.

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Te Ora Hou Wellington East Bridging the Digital Divide


November 24

Te Ora Hou Wellington East Bridging the Digital Divide

As we all know, the time between early 2020 and now has thrown up plenty of challenges. Running a skills programme with adults and local youth was no easy feat, but Te Ora Hou saw the value in persisting.

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A traversal view of the .nz space: content and technology


November 19

A traversal view of the .nz space: content and technology

In this blog, we are looking at content, languages and content management systems used on .nz sites.

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A new toolkit for digital inclusion initiatives


November 09

A new toolkit for digital inclusion initiatives

We are excited to launch our evaluation toolkit for digital inclusion initiatives across Aotearoa. It will support community groups as they learn how to evaluate their work as they strive for digital equity. 

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