News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.

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Brent Carey leaving Domain Name Commission to become Netsafe CEO


March 22

Brent Carey leaving Domain Name Commission to become Netsafe CEO

Brent Carey is stepping down as the Domain Name Commissioner to become the CEO of Netsafe.


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Algorithmic audits: an accountants view


March 15

Algorithmic audits: an accountants view

This guest blog explores how an independent 'audit' could provide a mechanism to assess algorithm harms. It uses the financial auditing process as an example of how an algorithm audit infrastructure might be established. 

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March 15

How do we stop misinformation being a superspreader?

There is a dark side of having New Zealanders connected to social media platforms with the ability to hear from and speak to thousands. That dark side is the creation and spread of both mis and disinformation online.

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DIGIFALE – an intergenerational approach to improving digital inclusion


March 08

DIGIFALE – an intergenerational approach to improving digital inclusion

In April 2020 as COVID-19 caused communities to lockdown, DIGIFALE started within a Niue community in Mangere, South Auckland. An increased reliance on technology and the internet meant support was needed.

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Media release

March 03

InternetNZ Chief Executive Jordan Carter signals departure mid year

After nine incredibly fulfilling years in the role and much progress on important issues, it’s the right time in my life to explore new opportunities, Carter says.

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Social media monopoly risks harming New Zealanders

Media release

February 21

Social media monopoly risks harming New Zealanders

Seventy-nine per cent of us are using at least one of the four META platform apps at least daily. These are Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp. 

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Our growing concern about the security of our personal details online

Media release

February 21

Our growing concern about the security of our personal details online

Almost a third of New Zealanders say their level of concern about using personal details online has increased over 12 months. New research out now.

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Relocate your job and imagine the possibilities

Media release

February 21

Relocate your job and imagine the possibilities

New research released by InternetNZ shows a huge number of New Zealanders would move elsewhere in the country if they could relocate their jobs.

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New Zealanders concerns about the Internet accelerating fast

Media release

February 21

New Zealanders concerns about the Internet accelerating fast

New research, released today by InternetNZ, shows that New Zealanders’ concerns about parts of the Internet are growing at a rapid speed.

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February 17

InternetNZ submission on NetSafe Code

InternetNZ's submission on Netsafe's draft Aotearoa New Zealand Code of Practice for Online Safety and Harms

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