News and articles

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa. The digital landscape changes quickly, and we're here to help you make sense of it.

Latest updates

Fire and Fury highlights the challenge of misinformation in Aotearoa

August 15

Fire and Fury highlights the challenge of misinformation in Aotearoa

New documentary shows that online misinformation can lead people to take extreme views with real-world consequences.

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August 02

Courageous Conversations

As part of our on-demand grant funding for 2021, one of the recipients was Courageous Conversation Aotearoa Foundation. Find out about the great mahi they are doing.

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July 28

New members join InternetNZ Council

At our 2022 Annual General Meeting, the InternetNZ members elected four new positions to Council, including a Vice President and three Council members.

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July 28

Three new fellows of InternetNZ

At the AGM on 28 July 2022, we had the pleasure of announcing three new fellows. 

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Media release

July 28

InternetNZ new Chief Executive appointed

InternetNZ is delighted to announce the appointment of Vivien Maidaborn as Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive Officer of InternetNZ.

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July 18

Progressing digital equity within the community

Recognising and celebrating a couple of groups who have been working hard and progressing digital equity within the community in quite different ways.

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July 05

Constellation models — empowering communities

We love to see communities empowered to come together on issues that matter to them and develop meaningful solutions. We have recently seen a couple of groups using a 'constellation model' as a framework for building grassroots scalable solutions-oriented action.  

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Aotearoa needs solutions to harmful online content

Media release

June 29

Aotearoa needs solutions to harmful online content

New research released today emphasises our growing concern for harmful content online. 83% of New Zealanders are concerned about harmful or inappropriate content on social media, video-sharing sites or other websites.

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Better together — digital inclusion

June 20

Better together — digital inclusion

At InternetNZ, we value working alongside others to do more good by working together. Recently, we have combined our efforts with others in the sector to help get device access and connectivity to two vulnerable groups.

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Digital inclusion grant announcement 2021/22


May 26

Digital inclusion grant announcement 2021/22

We want to improve digital equity. Having access to the Internet, and being confident to use it, is more important than ever.

To this end, we are very proud to share our latest grant funding in this area.

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